As you can see, training following this period is much more frequent and at higher intensities. So do we still assign the original injuries to overuse injuries given the athlete was able to handle much more relatively quickly after?! A better term would be a training load error and something that a sporting physio can help you with 👌. This is a particularly important thing to know given the holidays are just around the corner 🎅!
Get in touch with us if you want to train more with less injuries, or are looking to return to training! 📞(07) 3102 3337 or book online.
Team Praxis
Drew, M. K., & Purdam, C. (2016). Time to bin the term ‘overuse’ injury: is ‘training load error’ a more accurate term? Br J Sports Med, 50(22), 1423. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-095543